Return of shortest exploit code challenge

The arch0 server is running on port 10000.
The arch1 server is running on port 10001.
The arch2 server is running on port 10002.
The arch3 server is running on port 10003.
The arch4 server is running on port 10004.
The arch5 server is running on port 10005.
The arch6 server is running on port 10006.
The arch7 server is running on port 10007.
The arch8 server is running on port 10008.
The arch9 server is running on port 10009.

  • Three files named "word.txt", "size.txt" and "pass.txt" are located in each server in the program's current directory.

    • You can obtain an attack keyword by reading "word.txt".
    • Submit the attack keyword to the score board. (ATTACK POINTS)

    • You can obtain a password by reading "pass.txt".
    • Commit the password and your team's defense keyword to the commit server.
    • The defense keyword committed most is registered with the flag page periodically. (DEFENSE POINTS)
    • The commit list is cleared and "pass.txt" is updated periodically.
    • Therefore, you need to read "pass.txt" and commit the defense keyword periodically to get the defense points continually.

    • The numeric value stored in "size.txt" increases periodically.
    • You can stop increasing the value by committing the password.
    • "size.txt" is initialized periodically.
    • You can see the values at the size list.

    • A connection is cut automatically in several seconds.
    • You cannot reconnect by a short time.

Commit server
Flag page
Commit list
Size list